If marked, at the next launching, FS will execute the task and then will quit. You can save a Setting File into the ShutDown folder found in your System folder and FS will execute a task before shut down your computer.
Set here the starting base time (hour:minute).
Set here the starting base day.
Set here the "Hour" interval.
Set here the "Day" interval.
Click on the cell "On" and enable/disable the row.
Click on the cells "Hours" and set the Time.
Click on the cell Day and set the day of the week.
Choose the Timer list from there. You can create, rename, delete up to 8 lists.
If marked, FS will execute the task periodically as described by the "Interval fields".
If marked, FS will execute the task at the "Time/Day of the Week" specified in the Timer List.
Mark the "Timer on" check-box to use or edit the automatic starting to Synchronize or BackUp.